Kinematic Analysis and Simulation of MyCobot280 M5 using MATLAB and Simscape
ProjectThis is an implementation of Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) SLAM from scratch, in C++. The SLAM pipeline is implemented as a series of ROS packages, and can be simulated in Rviz as well as run on a Turtlebot3, using the onboard LiDAR.
This project implements the differential drive forward and inverse kinematics that allow the turtlebot to move. Visualization for simulation was done in Rviz, which contains a world with cylindrical obstacles for the turtlebot to detect. All parameters that govern the obstacles and the robot can be edited as ROS parameters.
The SLAM pipeline begins by clustering LiDAR distance data by distance. The points in the clusters are then fit to a circle, in order to find the cylindrical obstacles in the scene. The algorithm that performs this is a form of Gaussian process regression which finds the best fitting circle for the cluster. The location and radius of the circle are then used to classify it appropriately into an “obstacle” or “not obstacle” class.
Data association then performed, using the mahalanobis distance from previously discovered obstacles to determine if the measurement should be associated with a previous item in the Kalman Filter, or if it should be considered as a new measurement. Finally, the Extended Kalman Filter uses the turtlebot velocity to predict the future state, and then update the Kalman gains, covariance matrix, and state vector accordingly.
When noise is added to LiDAR data wheel velocity, and wheel slip is considered, the EKF SLAM algorithm maintains a better estimate of the robot’s state than odometry alone. In the video above, the green robot represents the SLAM’s estimate, the blue the odometry, and the red the actual position.
More information and source code can be found on the project’s GitHub repository.